Sunday, February 17, 2008

Annotated Bibliography

Vandana Shiva. Water wars: pollution, profits and privatization.

This book discusses the privatization of water and specifically focuses on water privatization in India. It should provide a good understanding of exactly what water privatization is, as well as give me a good perspective from the business and other standpoints.

Against the current : privatization, water markets, and the state in Chile

I think this book should give me more insight into Chile’s water issues as discussed in The Corporation. It should provide perhaps a good description of how Chileans specifically respond to and express themselves about water privatization. Maybe I can use many of the themes and expressions the Chileans used as a basis for creating my own expressions on thee issue.

Miller, Debra A. ed. Will the world run out of fresh water?

This book discusses the issue of running a linear system on a finite planet, an issue mentioned in The Story of Stuff. This issue adds another facet to the privatization issue, and will probably bring privatization more to the forefront of news in coming years. It should certainly add depth to my understanding of the situation as a whole.

Saxon, Reed. Associated Press AP.

This image shows a California Mayor with a bottle of discolored tap water that was brought to him by a city resident. Water in CA is becoming scare, and increasingly farmers are selling their water supplies to cities and farms in the south than growing crops.

“Water for all, or for profit?” BBC News.

This article discusses the effects of privatization in Ghana, and the export of water to neighboring South Africa. This article should help putting together a better worldview of water privatization. Also, since the article was published online, BBC News allowed for people from all over the world to respond, which shows the varying views from people all around the world expressed by themselves.

“Water privatisation gains support.” BBC News.

Adding to a worldwide perspective on the topic, this article discusses Scotland’s response to water privatization. Interestingly, it seems different to the general worldwide view on privatization, and also discusses the benefits of both water in the public sector and in the private sector.

“Genetic patents pose potent problem.” BBC News.

Addressing genetic patenting, this article goes into specifics about practical issues and ethical issues of modifying genes. It brings into clearer focus the views on intellectual property and will hopefully help me in developing my own ideas concerning the matter.

Harriet, Irwin. “Design & Patent for House.” 1869.

This image, along with the Chanute drawing, reminded me a lot of the patenting of genetic code by private companies. I think it would be really cool to use both of these images as a basis for creating blueprints of organisms, and somehow use this to send a message.

Chanute, Octave. “Patent drawing, Soaring Machine of Octave Chanute.” 1897.

This image, along with the Irwin drawing, reminded me a lot of the patenting of genetic code by private companies. I think it would be really cool to use both of these images as a basis for creating blueprints of organisms, and somehow use this to send a message.

Johns, Jasper. “Device.” 1961-1962.

This painting is an abstract expressionist painting of a riot. It caught my eye after I read about riots in Chile over water privatization. It’s interesting to see how many different ways there are of conveying meaning through the concrete and the more abstract.

Rockman, Alexis. “Tropical hazards.” 1999.

This painting is pretty clearly described by its title. It reminded me of the vectors and viruses rising into Nairobi in An Inconvenient Truth. It could be the basis for sending a message about what will happen to cities like Nairobi if the global climate changes dramatically.

Diamanda. “Plague Mass: Were You a Witness.” 1992.

In a similar vein as Alexis Rockman’s “Tropical hazards,” this photo expresses ideas about the AIDs epidemic. It should be a good resource in expressing the consequences of global warming.

Intellectual property and information wealth : issues and practices in the digital age. Peter K. Yu, ed.

This book should prove useful in providing good background on intellectual property, including the ethics and practices currently in place. It also has some illustrations that may be inspiring.

Dangl, Benjamin. The price of fire : resource wars and social movements in Bolivia.

The unrest in Bolivia in response to water privatization was something that caught my eye in the background information we’ve already covered. I hope that more information on the specifics as well as the illustrations provided in the book will help inspire me.

Vaughn, Jacqueline. Conflicts over natural resources : a reference handbook.

This book should provide a broad view of my specific topics as well as related topics. This might provide openings into other ideas and inspiration.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Photos- Shopping Cart

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